About Parasitology branch

About the Branch

 Parasitologydepartment is the eighth department of the scientific faculty, which was established in 2023, where it teaches the theoretical and practical material of veterinary parasites for the third stage and biology for the first stage with teaching the microbiology department and the subject of a research project for the fifth stage with the teaching of the microbiology department.



The specialty of parasites is characterized by being one of the basic sciences and its existence is associated with different departments and overlapping with it, for example: Zoonotic parasite between humans and animals, insects, ticks and dreams, physiology and environment of parasites, and molecular biology. The department looks forward to achieving a scientific and academic future through many visions:

- Competence in the diagnosis and treatment of zoonotic parasitic diseases that can be transmitted between humans and animals.Humans and animals using the latest technologies and at a high level of scientific development, as well as the development of scientific skills in the fields of accurate field and laboratory diagnosis.

- Conducting scientific research covering various aspects of parasitology through cooperation with other departments and disciplines of the college.

- Work on the development of master's and doctoral studies to comply with scientific development, the need of society and the labor market, through the preparation of scientific staffs specialized in the field of diagnosis and treatment of various parasitic infections. 

- Finding safe ways and alternatives in controlling parasitic epidemics if they spread through the study of the parasite, its biology and life cycle, and the search for solutions to address crises if they spread, especially seasonal ones, which spread in waves that may infect humans, animals, or both.

- Work to raise the quality of higher education, leadership and innovation in scientific research through scientific research, modern survey studies, sound scientific publishing, and the introduction of software and computer in laboratory diagnostics to reach a college with a high level of sobriety to upgrade it to the field of international rankings.

The college, over the years of its presence at the university, is working hard to prepare graduates with competence and experience in community service, meeting the requirements of the labor market and raising the level of higher education by providing high-quality programs, developing research capabilities, and striving to spread the spirit of joint scientific and practical cooperation among its counterparts in Iraqi universities and scientific cooperation at the international and global levels through conferences, seminars, supervision of graduate students and twinning between Arab and foreign universities. The parasitic department came to be supplemented by:

 - The number of distinguished students in their field of work.

- Linking scientific degrees to the needs of the labor market

- Development of knowledge, targeted activities and professional skills that serve the community

- Applying modern technologies at a high level of quality. 

- Developing middle staffs from inside or outside the college.

- Working in a team spirit of supporting each other and developing the spirit of innovation and initiative and exchanging knowledge with others.



- Preparing scientific staffs who believe in their specialization and are able to manage crisis programs and epidemics that are emerging.

 - Search for new and safe ways to detect parasitic diseases that affect public and animal health through scientific research based on modern technologies. 

- Evaluating the safety and effectiveness of veterinary drugs spread in the local markets for parasitic diseases, searching for new alternatives, and working on plant derivatives and introducing them into the animal nutrition program.

- Developing laboratory diagnostic methods to detect parasitic infections that have recently emerged and have adversely affected public health and livestock and reduce their spread.

- Giving guidance and preventive programs among breeders the great role in order to introduce the prevailing parasitic diseases or emergency emergence in order to preserve their animals and protect that wealth from waste and loss.

- Linking the department with the community through continuous participation in research projects sponsored by the university, veterinary departments and the governorate.