Graduation Projects for Public Health Branch

Graduation Projects for Public Health Branch 2020 - 2021

Graduation Projects for Public Health Branch 2021 - 2022

Graduation projects for fifth year students 2022 - 2023 
1- Molecular detection and phylogenetic tree of clostridium perfringens isolated from chicken and histopathological study of infected organs

Supervisor name

student's name


D. Zainab abd-alrazak mutar

Husain kasim husain

Effect Of Pre-Incubation and storage on Hatchability and post hatching performance of quail

D. Nadhim Mohamad jawad ali

Marwaa adb-alhassan

The relationship of the genetic conformation of the iron transport protein (transferrin) and its relationship to growth in lambs of Arabia sheep.

D. israa Mohsin isaa

Mousa shaker jabir

Prevalence of liver fluke in slaughtered animals in

Missan slaughterhouse