Theses for the Internal Medicine Branch

Theses for the Internal Medicine Branch

Study type


Student name


Clinical and Diagnostic Study of Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR) In Sheep Of the Southern Part Of Iraq

Ghazwan Faisel Alwan


Clinico-pathological and Molecular Study of Hemotropic Mycoplasmosis in One-humped Camels in Basrah Province

Ikhlas Hamid Faleh


Study the Modulation of placenta Immune Response by Brucella abortus in cows and women

Hibet Al Rahman Riadh


Clinical, hematological and molecular studies of Mycoplasma haemocanis  in dogs of south  provinces of Iraq

Ali Shihan


Clinical and Serological Studies of Canine Hepatitis in Dogs in  Basrah Province

Tariq Hadi

Master Clinical and Serological study of Glanders in southren governorates of Iraq Ali Abdul Hussein