About Branch1

About the branch
         The microbiology branch is one of the five branches established with the establishment of the college in 1993. It teaches theoretical and practical subjects in veterinary microbiology, parasites, immunity and viruses for third-year students and biology for first-year students in addition to teaching postgraduate subjects in the specialty of microbiology and parasites (bacteria, fungi, Viruses, immunity, parasites), where the branch grants a master’s degree in veterinary science with specializations in microbiology (bacteria, viruses, fungi, immunity and biotechnology) and a master’s degree in veterinary sciences with specialization in veterinary parasites since 2001-2002. Ten courses have been graduated so far, and the total number of students graduating and holding a master's degree is 68 (50 microbiologists-18 parasites).

Branch objectives

Teaching and educating students of veterinary microbiology.
Graduating qualified veterinarians capable of diagnosing diseases from a laboratory perspective and identifying the most important diagnostic tests.
Keeping abreast of scientific developments in the field of basic veterinary medical sciences.
Communicating with the community by participating in the follow-up of common diseases and taking the necessary veterinary measures.
Preparing postgraduate degree holders in basic veterinary medical sciences.
Communicate with recent medical achievements through residency and participation in relevant conferences.