Vision, mission and goal

faculty vision :

Attaining to the level and dignity of advanced colleges via instructive programs and research activities and rendering them within the accreditation and quality assurance standards .


faculty message:

 the intention of the college of veterinary medicine is graduation of scientifically competent veterinarians in order to protect the animal resources and products from infectious  and devastating diseases and halting them .the other intention of the faculty is to supporting the sicentific establishments as well as the productive  and servicing  ones with scientifically specialized  veterinary personals ( and ph.D. holders) who have the creativeness and donation abilities for sake of beloved lraq .

faculty objectives :

The college aiming to upraising the scientific level of undergraduate as well as the postgraduate students, establishing their scientific and applicable capabilities, guiding their scientific researches  toward  the  applicable  direction  in  veterinary medicine  and  animal production disciplines .

The college targets  for adopting a competent electronic  administration , setting up a protective  college complying the needs of  working market in addition to presenting its instructive and consultative services to the anima owners and animal  resources establishments  during its ongoing administrative period. As well as obtaining academic and institutional accreditation.