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Sun-Thurs 8:30 to 2:30
Description of the academic program
National classification
About the college
Vision, mission and goal
Dean of the College
College Council
Administrative and organizational structure
College Deans
University Policies
Awards and honors awarded
Published research for faculty members
Introductory videos about the college
College branches
About Branch
Organizational Structure of the Microbiology Branch
Head of the Microbiology Branch
Scientific Committee of the Microbiology Branch
The teaching staff of the microbiology branch
Scientific plan for the branch of microbiology
Research activity of the microbiology branch
Scientific activities of the microbiology branch
Academic Program for Microbiology Branch
Certificates awarded and description of graduates
Graduation projects for the microbiology branch
Theses and messages of the microbiology branch
Electronic tables for the microbiology branch
Archived lectures for microbiology branch
Microbiology branch laboratories and halls
Approach of postgraduate studies
Physiology, medicine and chemistry
About Branch
Organizational Structure
Head of Branch
The Scientific Committee
Scientific plan for the branch
Research activityh
Scientific Activities
Academic Program
Awarded Certificates and Graduate Description 2
Graduation Projects
Theses and messages
Electronic tables
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
Faculty of Physiology
Approach of postgraduate studies
Anatomy and Histology
About the branch
Organizational Structure
Head of the branch
The Scientific Committee
Teaching staff o
Scientific plan
Scientific activities
Awarded certificates and graduate descriptions
Graduation projects f
Theses and messages
Electronic tables
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
The academic program
Research activity .
Pathology and Poultry Diseases
About branch 3
The organizational structure
Head of the Branch
The Science Committee
Teaching staff
The scientific plan
Research activity
Scientific activities
Pathology academic program
Awarded certificates and description of graduates
Graduation projects
Theses for the Branch
Electronic lesson schedules
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
Internal medicine and preventive medicine
About branch
Organizational Structure
Head of Branch
The Scientific Committee
Teaching staff
Research Activity
Academic Program
Awarded Certificates and Graduate Description
Graduation Projects
Theses for the Branch
Electronic lesson schedules
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
The scientific plan
Approach of postgraduate studies for the branch of Internal medicine and preventive medicine
Scientific activities
Surgery and Obstetrics
About branch
The organizational structure
Head of Branch
The Scientific Committee
The teaching staff
Scientific plan
Research activity
Scientific activities
The academic program
Awarded Certificates and Graduate Description
Graduation Projects
Theses and messages
Electronic lesson schedules
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
Approach of postgraduate studies for the branch of surgery and medicine
Public Health
Organizational Structure
Head of Branch
The Scientific Committee
The teaching staff
Scientific plan
Research activity
Scientific activities
Academic Program
Academic certificates granted
Graduation Projects
Theses and messages
Electronic schedules
Archived lectures
Laboratories and halls
About branch
Parasitology branch
About Parasitology branch
Head of Parasitology Branch
Scientific Committee of Parasitology Branch
Faculty member of the Parasitology Branch
Research activity of the Parasitology branch
Graduation projects for the Parasitology Branch
Organizational structure of the Parasitology branch
Scientific plan.
Certificates Awarded
Archived Lectures
Laboratories and halls .
Scientific plan .
quality assurance
electronic services
weekly schedule
Exam Schedule
school calendar
Student Services
Affiliate Services
Giving advice and guidance
Student registration form for the new academic year
File Download Center
Basra University Strategic
Performance evaluation
Laboratory Accreditation
Annual Evaluation Conference
Students Affairs
Students by stages
Admission Guide
Exam instructions
Student Discipline Instructions
Approach of undergraduate
Student registration form for the new academic year
Medical examination form
Instructions for transferring between colleges
Controls for accepting students from outside Iraqi universities
Exam Results Objection Mechanism
According to the years
Request for a document
Top students by years
Qualification and placement
business incubator
Employer opinion form regarding graduates
Contact form with the graduate
College Activities
continuous education
student activities
Archived lectures
summer training
Community Service
Achievements of University of Basrah College of Veterinary Medicine during COVID-19 Pandemic
Educational guidance
Structure of extension work
Guidance plan
Guidance form
Academic Advising Guide
Student support
Annual Evaluation Conference
Request for a document
Request for a document
Request for a document