The University of Basrah organizes a workshop for the Basrah veterinary hospital employees

Veterinary Medicine College media.
The veterinary medicine college/university of Basrah organized a workshop for Basrah Veterinary Hospital employees.

The workshop was under the title biosafety and biosecurity. Attendants were from other organizations like the south oil company and the K-9 unit of the Basrah Government. 
The workshop aimed to fulfill the biosafety and biosecurity needs of Veterinary hospital employees.  

the workshop included a lecture to Dr. Murtakab Younis, a faculty member in Veterinary Medicine college. Dr. Younis mentioned the importance of biosafety and biosecurity to hospitals and private clinics.

Dr. Hassan Mohammed gave a lecture about the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms and their lifespan.

Dr. Haider Alrafas was the third speaker in the workshop. His lecture was about the importance of training in helping employees to improve their duties..