Master's degree at University of Basra discusses the disease of the urinary system of rabbits

Media of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

A master's degree at the college of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Basra Discussed a therapeutic study of the impact of the hydro extraction of cellular extraction compared to proximol in the treatment of chemically developed kidney calculations in adult rabbits).

The research of the researcher Shatha Mahdi Younis includes conducting microscopic and tissue examination to investigate the chemicals created in the urinary system and the extent of their impact on kidney tissues and functions, and studying the effect of the extraction of the cell in treating calcifications and limitation. From its formation as well as its effect on kidney functions and comparing it with proximol treatment.

The project concluded that kidney calcifications could lead to kidney tissue damage, resulting in kidney failure and that using an acetate extract helped to cure kidney calcifications and reduce the effects thereof.